Scalar Shaman

You have come of age, and must complete the trials in the ancient temple to become the next Scalar Shaman

A short puzzle platformer for GMTK 2024, the theme is "Built to Scale"


  • WASD to move.
  • Hold E to carry light and small rune stones.
  • LMB to increase scale of runestones.
  • RMB to decrease scale of runestones.
  • Space to jump. Space again to double jump while in air.
  • TAB to open the menu and free the cursor. You can adjust the look sensitivity in the menu. It might help to lower it, if you keep dropping stones.


Solo developer, I made everything myself but the following: (modified) (modified)   (Crystal 1_gh)


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I can't figure out how to get up the wall with the 4 blocks at the base. Love the game though. And doing 3D for a game jam is impressive!

Thanks! You can do it by


Stacking all four blocks into a staircase, then scaling down the smallest one, and grabbing it before you jump over the wall, so you have something to put ontop of the button.

OR, alternatively, you can cheat it a little bit by scaling down the blocks from the wall of 6 blocks before, and using one or more of them to make the staircase. Those ones can be scaled larger than the rest, so you don’t need to stack one ontop of the biggest one, and you can just leisurely carry your smallest block up from the start.