June 17th to 19th

Okay, development hasn't slowed down these past few days, even though I haven't published a devlog in a bit. Heres new features and adjustments.

Player can now crouch/sneak.

Changed it so that NPCs move slower in patrol mode. This should help stealth gameplay significantly, and frankly, it looked ridiculous watching these guys shoot across their routes at full speed before.

Made it so NPCs will crouch, and try to stay behind cover (very imperfect implementation of cover system)

Key/door functionality added.

Started work on level 2.

Early level 2

Early level 2

new greatly improved projectile VFXnew projectile vfx

new projectiles, look even cooler in motion!

New gun model for the players rifle. and new gun type for the player to use. Also ammo pickups!

New player rifle model

New player rifle model

Player guns now have clips of ammo. I guess I should add reloading to enemies.

I should probably add LOD's soon/now. sure, the level geometry is real simple. But  there's kind of no reason to

A new build is uploaded, for the few people who can actually see these devlogs at this stage in development. Remind me to change the next level button from R, to enter or something. Doesn't really work now that there's reloading.

I need to add new sounds for ammo stuff. Long overdue some cooler sword animations, and could use some reload animations now too.

Better cover system for AI is also something to work on. as is the entire AI detection system. Detecting the player should be more gradual, like how losing sight of the player currently is. 

I think I should add double jump. 

I've also been doing a lot of codework, so it might be nice to spend some time doing art. I need some enemy variety, so there's another task I can tackle.


Negotiator alpha.zip Play in browser
Jun 17, 2023

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